About us
- The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology - branch Plovdiv
was created in 1951. Now the structure of the branch covers 34000 km2
from the territory of Bulgaria and includes river basins of Maritsa, Tundzha, Arda and Byala in Bulgaria.
This web site
presents the structure of the branch, the basic aim, tasks and activities
by sectors, as well as some dynamic data for the meteorological elements.
Basic activities :
- Full monitoring of the meteorological and agrometeorological
elements, realized with :
- synoptic station network
- meteorological (climatic) stations
- agrometeorological network
- voluntary observers
- automatic stations
- Monitoring of hydrological and hydrogeological elements
- Hydrological station network
- Hydrogeological station network
- Forecasting of the regional meteorological and hydrological events
- Hydrometeorological communications
Additional activities :
- Meteorological and hydrological information service for public and
private companies and individuals
- Development and implementation of new technologies for:
- working and record meteorological and hydrological data
- weather forecasts
- hydrological modeling and forecasting up-to 5 days ahead
- analysis for wind and photovoltaic energy projects
Maritza - Svilengrad 20.11.2007
